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The capstone project and what's coming next


Our capstone project got off on a little bit of a bumpy start. Our initial group consisted of 5 people. As a group we did all we could to come to consensus but everyone was very passionate about their ideas. Therefore we decided to split the group one going more towards light pollution and one focusing on air pollution. I am in the light pollution and we have been do well. Also from what I hear the other group that split from us has also been making good progress. We have been staying up to date with assignments and finding really good organizations and experts that I feel can really be beneficial in the future in discussing possible solutions.

Possible problems we could run into in the future could be that our research may deem no solution or a solution that is already as sufficient as possible. We also my have issues contacting and discussing with organizations and experts due to the pandemic. The largest problem we will and have been running into is the whole distance learning aspect. Internet issues are a problem since they can make it hard to convey ideas when people are cutting in and out and such.

In the college application process I have narrowed down where I am applying to, and likely determined that I will be staying in state. I started slowly but surely drafting up my PIQ's for the UC applications and I have been studying for the SAT. If I am able to score a competitive score on it before application process is done I would like to submit it for the UC applications. I have also been doing a lot of research on Naviance to see what is the best fit for me.

I wish someone told me that sat scores are not going to be as big as a factor so I would not have spent so much time studying. However I guess nobody really new what would happen. Aside from that I feel well prepared with the knowledge I have now for the application process.


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