Aron Zakharin
Engineering student at SAMO
MY BACKGROUND. Email: aronzakharin@gmail.com
School email: agz@smmk12.org
I am currently an engineering student at Santa Monica high school who will be graduating at the end of the year. I have always had a love for how things work, problem-solving, and creativity, and engineering includes all of those things. My main goal from this capstone class will be to be able to use what I've learned from previous years in the PLTW course and finally apply them in projects, competitions, and more.
I am very interested in environmental engineering. I've always loved the great outdoors and especially in the world today, environmental engineers are in a bit of a shortage. Creativity, problem-solving, being in a field that is sometimes outside, and understanding the world around us. These all hit my interest and are all encompassed in environmental engineering.
Completed projects
Combinational Logic Date of Birth:
This was our final project for the first semester of junior year(2019). The objective was to design and build a circuit on a breadboard to display our birthday in a correct sequence using a variety of logic gates.

Work in progress
Capstone project:
Currently, my team and I are researching the problem of light pollution and its effects on human's quality of sleep and overall health. As of now, we have a completed research problem statement, keywords, experts, and organizations that we could be in contact with, and the conclusion questions along with more research.
Update: Our research has been coming along well and my group and I are starting to narrow in on a solution to our problem. We have also found a reached out to multiple organizations and researchers who are experts in the field and have gotten a few responses. Our current mentor, based on the responses, is a researcher who specializes in the effects of artificial light on humans. He is based in New Zealand meaning we will have to compensate for interesting meeting times. He will be able to give our group key information and help push us in the right direction to find an effective and innovative solution.
Capstone project continue
Prototype Design Documentation

This is what each user interface of our app would look like. We may still be making small adjustments but this is the big idea. We contain a Title/initial app page, Sleep calender, Set up, Daily schedule, Sleep log, Settings, and about us pages.
This is an image of our initial sketch. This was the basis for our "3D model above".It depicts some of our user interfaces along with captions to describe the functions.
Cost Analysis:

Capstone project update 1/29/2021
My group and I are making great progress. We have started to really plan out our prototype and design a testing sequence to assess how it is working. We have also determined the likely cost of the prototype and how we are going to collect data on the functionality of the product. Lastly, we have been staying up to date with all our necessary presentations.