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Summer and the coming year


Over the summer I took two courses at SMC, political science, and Econ. These classes were essentially self-scheduled meaning I just had to get the work done based on due dates; so I was also able to spend time doing other things. I traveled strictly by car or boat due to the pandemic commonly visiting Catalina island and mammoth which are two of my favorite places. I also did some work and studying for the SAT as well as building up my resume.

In engineering class, I am most excited about using all the things I've learned from the previous years and having them all finally come together. I look forward to the projects and the competitions where we get to finally put the principles we learned into actual application in a friendly but still competitive way. We will be able to learn from each other and build on each others ideas and hopefully be able to make those ideas into actual solutions.

The things I am most excited about the year, in general, are that I'll be able to see my classmates and teacher even though it is just virtual it is still be nice to talk with all the people that I kind of lost touch with but still consider friends. I also, towards second-semester hope will be in person so I can experience prom and what it means to really be a senior at Santa Monica high school.


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